The crucial issue is whether the essence of life resides in the heart or in the brain. Because the body rarely shuts down all its systems at once, and because hospitals have access to the most modern life-preserving machinery, it is entirely possible that the brain, deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen, could die while the patient, often with the help of hospital equipment, remains alive.
The crucial issue is 【名whether the essence of life resides( in the heart or in the brain.) 】 【Because the body (rarely) shuts down all its systems (at once)】, and【 because hospitals have access (to the most modern life-preserving machinery)】, it形 is (entirely) possible 【真that the brain, 分(deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen=if the brain is deprived of an adequate supply of oxygen), could die 【while the patient, (often with the help of hospital equipment), remains alive.】】
ポイント1 whetherの判別 副詞節か名詞節かで訳が異なる
【名Whether he is guilty or not】 is unknown.
【副Whether he is guilty or not】, I believe in him.
ポイント2 カンマ&カンマを無くして文が通れば=挿入 文法的には 「副詞的なもの」か「同格」
U.S. and Japanese diplomats ,挿副 分meeting in Washington, agreed to seek a solution to agricultural trade problems.
Mr. Tanaka, 挿同a famous scientist in Japan, found the fact.
ポイント3 ―ryがつくことで〜類という意味になり、不可算名詞になる
例 a machine→ machinery / a jewel→jewelry
ポイント4 対比の構造を見抜く カンマがない理由
While ①〜する間 ②〜しながら ③一方では(カンマを使う場合が多い)
My sister worked at an office, while I stayed at home yesterday.
可能性 It is entirely possible ~ 【that sv while sv】 テキスト1
it is entirely possible ~ 【that sv】,【while sv】 2