- She talked about all the things that they’d given her for birthdays and Christmases and how good they’d look in their new place.
注(1)最初のthey=両親、二番目のthey=両親が贈ってくれたものtheir=彼女とボーフレンド *それらが指すものを明確にして訳せという指示あり
- She talked about all the things( that they’d given her for birthdays and Christmases) and 【how good they’d look in their new place】.
*andが何を連結しているかを明確化 今回は、all the thingsとhow〜を連結
あるいは 文と文の連結と考え、共通部分は省略できるという特徴から
She talked about all the things(that they’d given her for birthdays and Christmases)
she talked about (共通部分の省略) 【how good they’d look in their new place.】