例題23 同志社大学
In the world of nature there are always compensations. As a country lad, I became familiar at an early age with the farming maxim that “there is never a year when every crop succeeds, nor when every crop fails.” In recent years a farming elite and its advisers have started to assume otherwise. They have been convincing themselves that if they prepare their plans according to the latest scientific knowledge and put them efficiently into practice, success is assured.
(In the world of nature )there are always compensations.( As a country lad), I became familiar( at an early age) with the farming maxim 【同that “there is never a year 【when every crop succeeds】, nor 【when every crop fails】】.” (In recent years) a farming elite and its advisers have started to assume otherwise. They have been convincing themselves 【名that if they prepare their plans (according to the latest scientific knowledge )and put them (efficiently) into practice, success is assured】.
若者 lad 少年 juvenile ≒ adolescent (青年期)
be familiar with ~に慣れている・〜に精通している be familiar to ~に知られている ( be used to = be accustomed toだがそれらとはニュアンスが違う)
nor は接続詞 neitherは副詞 (プラス等位接続詞は共通部分を省略可能で瞬殺*否定部分除く)
Naturally, I had never met him in my life, ( ). 2006年東京大学
ア nor he me
イ nor did he
ウ neither did I
エ neither had I
- もしそうでなければ
I left home five minutes earlier; otherwise I would have missed the train.
- 別のやり方で(違った風に)
Ken could not act otherwise.
- その他の点では
The rent is a little high, but otherwise the room is good.