例題26 早稲田大学
There is general apathy to if not positive distrust of science itself as a search for truth; for, to the ordinary American, science is identified with mechanical inventions. Ask an American to name the greatest scientist of this country and he will very likely reply, “Edison”. As a nation, we respect only the practical application of science and have regard for the efforts of inventors and promoters rather than those of the scientific discoverers.
There is general apathy (形句to (副句if not positive distrust of science itself)( 形句as a search for truth); for, (to the ordinary American), science is identified with mechanical inventions.
There is general apathy to science itself
as a search for truth
if not positive distrust of science itself
if not = ~といっては言い過ぎかもしれないが・とはいかなくても
Arashi has also become famous in Japan, if not the world.
The internet is valuable if not vital for doing research
Ask an American to name the greatest scientist of this country and he will very likely reply, “Edison”.
name 他動詞 ①〜を名づける②〜の名前を言う
*name A after B BにちなんでAと名付ける
How many members can you name who belong to AKB?
He named his son SHIGEO after Mr.GIANTS.
very likely ⇔ very unlikely
It’s very unlikely that team is going to win.
As a nation, we respect only the practical application of science and have regard for the efforts of inventors and promoters rather than those of the scientific discoverers.
regard=動 〜とみなす (感情を持って)~を見る
名 心遣い・配慮・考慮すべき点・尊重